Bill, The Travelling Man

It’s about time I introduce you to Bill, I guess. He was named after Bill Clinton, as he would (accidentally!) look like him when I made him – at least that’s what we thought.


Just for grins, I talked to J about Clinton the other day and our little conversation still makes me laugh:

Me: „so who is Bill Clinton?“

J (quick as a shot): „Isn’t that Hillary Clinton’s husband?“

Looks like we’re raising a feminist here 🙂

But back to the original topic: Bill gets to travel if we can’t (no money, no time, no vacation). He definitely prefers traveling with people, but envelopes work almost as good. So far, he always reached his destination as planned and – more important – he always came back. Where ever he goes he has his picture taken for J to see. J says looking at those pictures is almost as good as travelling himself.

After short trips to Hong Kong and Uruguay, New York and Poland, Bill went to Chicago lately. Of course, he had his picture taken next to „the bean“:

Bill and Bean

And he must have liked it, as, after coming back to Germany, he decided to go right back to the US. This time he would go west: out of all places, he chose Meeteetse, Wyoming (325 inhabitants) as his destination. Be that as it may, doing ranch work he stayed a lot longer than originally scheduled. (In case you wonder what they are doing in the picture: they were testing the cows to see which ones were pregnant).

Bill working cows

Upon coming home last week, bringing along his new cowboy hat and his own passport, he asked my boss to take him to Beijing. And much to my surprise, the boss – without batting an eye – put Bill in his pocket and off they went the next morning.

Now, here’s one of the pictures I got yesterday by email. Trust me – I was dumbstruck, when I saw it and sharing it with you is a must!

Bill and Chinese Police Officer

How on earth do you make a Chinese police officer hold a little crocheted doll (there is a string attached to his head, can you see it) and smile for the camera, especially if you don’t speak his language?! Bill will be back this weekend and I am very much looking forward to hear the story on Monday!

A lovely weekend to all of you out there 🙂

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12 Jahre zuvor

I just love this blog! This story made my weekend. Thanks!

12 Jahre zuvor

What a great idea!

Seven days, seven links |
12 Jahre zuvor

[…] Bill, The Travelling Man. […]