Offline and badly off


This weekend, someone broke into our house. They would pry open the kitchen window to take jewellery and my laptop. Every single picture that I took since J was born is on that laptop. No backup. As soon as I have a new computer, I’ll try to rescue what ever may have been on my camera’s SD cards. Wish me luck.

However, what troubles me the most is that they have been all over: They opened every drawer, every little box, everything in the house. They even rummaged around in my knitting basket.

I may not blog for a while, I don’t know.

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11 Jahre zuvor

That’s awful, I really feel for you. I’ve had my house broken into before, while I was asleep upstairs. I was more upset about the fact that there was someone in the house, while I and my daughter were in it than that they stole our TV. Really really big hugs, I can only imagine how upset I’d be if I lost all my photos. Xx

11 Jahre zuvor

I’m realy sorry for you! Wishing you the best to coop with this realy bad event.
I know what it does to a person. All the best and thinking about you and your family.
Crossing my fingers that you have still some off your dearest photo’s
Big huggs Renate

11 Jahre zuvor

So sorry that this happened to you.

11 Jahre zuvor

Oh no Carina, that’s awful. Sending you much love. Xxxxx

11 Jahre zuvor

how awful for you – I can not „like“ this post. I know ho wviolated you feel, knowing that they took their time and went through every piece of your house. Hopefully you will be able to recover photos, and that anyone you shared photos with in the past will send them back to you.

BUT – I am so glad that you and your family are safe. As bad as it is, it could be so much worse. Post when you feel up to it, I will be here when you are ready.

11 Jahre zuvor

Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry to hear that. I hope perhaps the police could find the people who took your things and perhaps at least get back your computer with all of your pictures. I hope you will be able to feel safe in your house again soon, too.

Joline 103 idées
11 Jahre zuvor

the same happen to me 6 years ago so : i feel for you !

Ali Patel
11 Jahre zuvor

Just before Christmas I had the same thing – and they took my blogging laptop too – sigh…. It takes a while to get your confidence back when coming in the house (especially for the children) – I hope you are able to retrieve some of those precious photos. Ali x

11 Jahre zuvor

I’m so sorry to read such horrible news. That’s terrible. I look forward to seeing you when you get back online. x