Some more Wrist Warmers

The whole weekend it has been nasty outside: foggy and cold. J didn’t care as long as there was enough light to play basketball, and M would do computer stuff. We had a friend staying with us for 2 nights. Her and I hadn’t seen each other in years. She brought her knitting along and the two of us would talk and laugh and knit, and talk and laugh and knit … It turns out that nasty weather isn’t too bad after all 🙂

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11 Jahre zuvor

Aaaah that’s a great idea, not making the thumb holes! Looks much more toasty. I love these am you did a beautiful job!

third time, really? | not your average crochet
11 Jahre zuvor

[…] over, again.  This time, due to the discovery of lovely mitts with no thumb-holes at all over on Häkelmonster.  They looked so toasty, I just had to make some, […]