Cowl Workshop

Last week Jessica hosted a workshop on How to Knit a Cowl at DaWanda in Berlin. She generously sponsored 20 participants with her beautiful Ku’damm yarn – a 70% merino, 30% alpaca blend – in various colors with matching circular knitting needles. What a treat!

kudamm-grauA flamy red would have been my choice – most (of the all-female) participants settled for steel-grey though.

Jessica had asked me to join and encourage „knitting rookies“ and that’s what I did. It turned out to be advantageous that there were two of us … for though it said in the invitation that knowledge of cast-on, knit and purl was a prerequisite to sign up, quite a few ladies showed up with less.

So we would walk around tables, explain and show cast-on methods, unravel failures, demonstrate how to purl, encourage those who needed it, and admire all progress – no matter how fast or slow.

IMG_0487 IMG_0488 IMG_0489 IMG_0490 IMG_0492 Sooner or later, the ladies would ease-in, chat, help and support each other and guidance wasn’t needed any more. And after less than two hours (!) the first cowl was done!

I really enjoyed meeting other knitters, talking to them and spending time together. Thank you Jessica and DaWanda for organizing the event, good luck to all new knitters, and all the best to the attending mom-to-be – may the cowl be ready before your baby is born 🙂



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11 Jahre zuvor

Thank you for joining in 🙂

11 Jahre zuvor

That sounds like a fun day 🙂