Journey to Work

I live in Berlin (SE) and I work in Berlin (SW). However, going to work takes f-o-r-e-v-e-r …

„f-o-r-e-v-e-r“ means: a 5 min. walk + subway for 16 stops + 13 stops with the commuter train + another 15 min. walk = 1h 26min.

That’s one way.

Going home is another 1h 26min (unless a train is cancelled – in this case it might take longer).

At first, I would dread the journey but then I came to terms with it for three reasons:

(1) it is considerably less expensive than taking the car, better for the environment, and (usually) stress free

(2) I get to knit quite a bit (or to crochet)

(3) when I get off the train after 1h 26min., I am still in Berlin (I mentioned that before, I know). And this is what I see:

IMG_1832 IMG_1837 IMG_1855IMG_1850No real happy ending though as I still have to walk little less than a mile from there, so I do not see the lake from my desk … 🙂

How long does it take you to go to work and what’s it like?


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10 Jahre zuvor

I live in New Zealand and have a 1hr 15m (slightly shorter or longer depending on traffic) trip into work each day but my husband drives. So of course, I knit. Love the trip and wish it was longer. 🙂
We live in the country where there is no public transport.

10 Jahre zuvor

That’s a nice place to end up at the end of the run.

I work from home, so my office is about 15 feet from my bedroom. 😉

Nadine Roberts
10 Jahre zuvor

I am very spoiled. I live 8 minutes from work. But it is a first for me.

10 Jahre zuvor

I live about 20 miles (25 minutes drive) from work, adn it is very rural, so no option but to drive myself. However, it is a pretty ride, past lakes, blueberry barrens (fields) and woods. there is little or no traffic, so I can zip right along.

Summer Crochet: Elise & I | Häkelmonster
10 Jahre zuvor

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