Plum Colored Cardigan

I still owe you the pictures of my cardigan –  I almost forgot. Remember, I worried about ruining it in the washing machine? Well, luckily I did not.

Finding the perfect buttons took pretty much as long as knitting the cardigan. For days I could not decide which ones to attach. Finally, I decided on mother of pearl. Depending on the light, there is some brownish-violet-plum inside that beautifully matches the yarn.

Then, I had M take pictures. That – again – would take a long time as either the yarn was depicted a lot lighter than it actually is (but all stitches were clearly visible) or it was pictured in its beautiful proper color (too dark to see anything at all).

Now, here is what we agreed upon:

IMG_1990 IMG_2020

It is a perfect cardigan in a very pretty color. However, if I were to make another one of these, I would probably choose a different yarn as the cardigan is now very heavy. I am afraid it might wear out at the yoke sooner or later. But for now it fits like a glove (is that what you say?).

Talking about colors, my hair started to turn gray when I was in my mid twenties. I would color it for a while (brown, blonde, blue) until I became too lazy (and less of a revolutionary …). Weird to see how white it has become (actually, quite a nice contrast to the dark cardigan 🙂 ).

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10 Jahre zuvor

Nice cardigan. I’m not a knit genious. Loving the colour of your hair i think it’s beautyfull.

10 Jahre zuvor

What a lovely cardigan! Your hair is beautiful ! I too started turning gray in my twenties and colored my hour for years,but stopped about three years ago. Now I’m salt and pepper 😊

10 Jahre zuvor
Reply to  Carina

I agree Carina ☺️

10 Jahre zuvor

Beautiful cardigan. Love the colour and the pattern.

The Twisted Yarn
10 Jahre zuvor

Absolutely beautiful cardigan. And purple with grey is a perfect colour combination. 🙂

10 Jahre zuvor

Wow. That’s such a great color. I love me a rich plum.