Stitch Markers

In need of stitch markers I have made my own.

handmade stitch markersSo far, they’re only prototypes: some are too long, the two on the very right may be too sharp-edged (depending on the yarn), and the little ring is too small on all of them (whereas the top loop is too big … sigh …).

I found these beads in the streets of Chicago when walking along. 17 beads all in. So I would pick them up, wondering what to do with them whenever I saw them again in my purse. Stitch markers were (and still are) the perfect solution. And guess what – they do the trick: they mark stitches 🙂

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10 Jahre zuvor


The Little Room of Rachell
10 Jahre zuvor

Lying on the ground? How strange. Did someone have a gradually unravelling bracelet I wonder?