Summer Crochet: Elise & I

It’s a fake. But I could not resist when getting off the train this morning.

shawl Elise haekelmonster.comNot the Bahamas, no vacation – Berlin Wannsee, journey to work. And I would only stay long enough for a few pictures (thank you gentle breeze, for your help).

Thereafter, I would stuff the (half way) finished lovely Elise shawl back into my backpack and hurry to work, trying to make up for the quick time-out at the lake.

Filing and bookkeeping are on my desk for today … (ugh!).

Unfortunately, swapping job with the duck was not an option 🙂

wannsee haekelmonster.comWhatever you’re up to: enjoy!

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Nadine Roberts
10 Jahre zuvor

I love the shawl photograph! Makes me want to try something like that with my blankets!

The Little Room of Rachell
10 Jahre zuvor

What she said 😉

Elise is done | Häkelmonster
10 Jahre zuvor

[…] been a while since I finished Elise – it’s about time I show […]