Eye Candy

Ravelry has more than 6 million users.

As off today, designers have made 238,769 patterns available as downloads.

Every time I surf those patterns there are at least another 1,000 Ravelers online.

According to Ravelry 1,025,105 Ravelers have been active over the last 30 days.

I am one out of 6,011,277 Ravelers; one out of 1,025,105 active Ravelers. Among so many people my work and I are invisible.

That is what I thought.

However, I came to realize that this is not true when yesterday my patchwork wrap was featured on Ravelry’s welcome page as “community eye candy.”

Rebekka – a knitter-blogger-Ravelry-friend – saw it first. Hard to explain what I felt when she told me about it. (Of course, I immediately looked at Ravelry’s homepage).

I called Marisa (Patchwork Tuch is her pattern) and sent a message to Michaela (Nomade is her yarn).

I experienced joy, excitement, stress, expectations, speculations … Would people actually look at my scarf and like it? Would they comment? What would happen? Would they order Marisa’s pattern and Michaela’s yarn? Would there be 100 Ravelers or 1,000 or more?

50 little hearts, 4 comments and 1,340 views later I am still amazed.

Wouldn’t you?