Socks Toe Up

Sometimes all you need is inspiration. GOOD (a well written blog post with beautiful pictures) or BAD (Berlin at the this time of the year).

It is cold over here, with drizzling rain coming from all directions. Yes, adorable crocusses everywhere, but no sun. I have been freezing all week.

IMG_2330When coming across Cassy’s blogpost the other day (see above: well written, beautiful pictures) on Knit the Hell out I knew instantly what I had to do:


And that’s what I am doing, using Regia (one ball of Design Line, 2902 – Kaffe Fassett I had in my stash).

However, it is not enough. One sock is done covering the ankle, the other one is getting there. I am undecided whether to keep them that short or to add some solid-color sock yarn. Maybe turquois. Maybe I’ll just go upstairs again and search for another skein. I am pretty sure I had two of those and it must be somewhere …

socks toe-up häkelmonsterAnother day of work, then Good Friday. On Saturday the son is coming back from his basketball tournament in Vienna. Easter Sunday and Easter Monday – two days off. Yay! I will enjoy plenty of Easter eggs of chocolate or candy, Easter egg hunts, and maybe even an Easter fire – wearing brand new socks toe-up.

And most probably I will check Cassy’s patterns again. There is still room for more socks in my drawer and the weather forecast supports that idea …

socks toe-up häkelmonster