Another wrap

Not that I needed another wrap or scarf but I needed to get rid of little bits and pieces in KidSilk, leftovers from projects that I do not even remember. And so I started a new wrap with three stitches in baby blue, increasing one stitch at the beginning of every other row.

Light brown would follow. Then off white and finally orange. By the time I reached orange I was so bored (so very bored) that I added the easiest lace pattern I could possibly come up with: k2tog, yo, k2tog, yo … for two thirds of a row, repeating it every 10 rows. Does that make sense? Probably not. However, that’s what I did.

For me, that pink edging is the icing on the cake! Pink and orange – still not done for quite a few people, but I really like those two together.

KidSilk Wrap HäkelmonsterI never expected this project to actually turn into something nice. But it did! It became a beautiful, huge wrap and I love it. Perfect for this time of the year.
