It has been a while since my grandmother-in-law gave me a scarf. A beautiful Estonian lace triangle. If I remember right it was given to her long before that, when visiting Estonia. However, I doubt she ever wore it and when we met for the first time she made it a present for me.
Honi soit qui mal y pense.
Since then I have tried everything to make it wearable … I soaked it in dishwashing liquid and later in shampoo. I let it dry in the sun and in the basement. Following Sophia‘s advice, I steam-ironed it under a soaking wet cloth. There is nothing I did not do in my attempt to make it less scratchy. Nothing worked.
And I am definitely not touchy (after all I am the one who loves sock yarn knits). But whatever they used for that scarf – there is no way I can wear it the way it is.
Sadly, there is not much left to do, other than maybe a magic spell at full moon … Any suggestions anyone? Anything I might try to soften the scarf?
Thanks a million!