New Zealand rocks (pun intended)

It must have been 2013, when The Green Dragonfly and I started following each other. (WordPress might know the exact date, but I am too lazy to look it up). Every now and then, Janette would comment on my blog and I would comment on hers – nothing special – that’s what followers do, right?

However, it is different.

Chances are, Janette and I will never meet, as she and her family live literally at the other end of the world from where we are. To fly from her city to mine would take a day. At least. It would mean four different airports and planes. Again: at least. They are getting ready for winter, we await summer. They are in New Zealand, we are in Berlin.

google maps 2017-04-24 um 19.04.37Still, over the years, I came to know her (some) through her beautiful blog and photos, her comments and likes. And every now and then, she and her children (a bit younger than my son) would do stuff we used to do a few years back. Weird. Like playing with crocheted owls. Like wrapping up in granny square blankets.

Like painting rocks.

This is when my son said, “Maybe we can …” – and yes, we can! So we initiated a rock swap. (Probably the first ever. I don’t think that existed before). Julius chose the rocks and wrote a letter. In English. Just like that. (I’d love to have the confidence of a 12yr old at times). My job was to pack und send our parcel. Simple? Yes. And Exciting!

The Green Dragonfly Häkelmonster painted rocksToday, eight little painted rocks arrived by mail. They came all the way from NZ. It took them less than two weeks. A chocolate kiwi bird kept them company. And we were thrilled!

The Green Dragonfly Häkelmonster painted rocksThank you so much!

My favorite stone is the red heart on turquoise. Well, and the purple smile. Julius immediately fell for the strawberry followed by the purple rock with all these dots and of course the soccer ball (no surprise here) on yellow or … probably all of them!

Of course, the travelling rocks were subject to close scrutiny: Maia and Carter chose bigger rocks than the ones we sent. They use different paint and they do not color the bottom side. And – the most difficult part (at least for us) – we are well aware of the fact that they hide their rocks, those pieces of art, in parks around the city for others to find …

So, I guess, we have to set them free at some point.

We decided that each of us may keep one (heart = me & strawberry = him), another one will go to our lovely neighbor as she has a collection of stones (probably the purple smile, unless she preferes another). The remaining five will be released, so that strangers (scary!) will find them in Berlin.

Not now. In summer.

For now, we’ll wait for our parcel to arrive in NZ. It should arrive any day from now.