April II

A cat wrap scarf turned out to be a lot bigger than I thought it would … But I could not resist the thick fickle colored yarn. Doesn’t it look like a cat’s skin?

J really liked the scarf until today, when he found the remains of a jaybird in our garden. Obviously a cat had hunted down our winged friend (I will spare you the details).

A small comfort to know, that sooner or later J would have grown out of a cat scarf anyway. Probably in favor of some gruesome acrylic accessory featuring either LeBron James or Tony Parker or their NBA teams respectively … I dread that day 🙂

cat wrap scarf

You can find the Morehouse pattern here; cat siblings are here.

Animal Scarves

Morehouse Farm has some awesome patterns. So far, I have tried the alligator, the rat race scarf, and the cat wrap. All of them were easy to understand and not too complicated to follow, once you’re used to their idea of increasing and decreasing.


For the white one I invented the idea of a “belly” by knitting a plain second scarf (no “scales”) and joining both halfs with single crochet.



cat wrap

Animal Scarves

Morehouse Farm has some awesome patterns. So far, I have tried the alligator, the rat race scarf, and the cat wrap. All of them were easy to understand and not too complicated to follow, once you’re used to their idea of increasing and decreasing.


For the white one I invented the idea of a “belly” by knitting a plain second scarf (no “scales”) and joining both halfs with single crochet.



cat wrap