It was at the Frankfurt YarnCamp when I saw innocent‘s little brochures, asking for wooly hats, first. (Before that, I didin’t even know innocent existed, not to mention they care about people – but that’s another story). And it was love at first sight!
The idea is to sell those little hats with innocent’s smoothies. For every woolly hat sold, they make a donation to support the elderly and old, who are cold in winter, lonely and isolated.
So far, 11.965 hats were knitted in Germany this year. Quite a few of them are real masterpieces! Second only to the amazing hats knitted by people in Great Britain.
So last weekend my mom and I would knit little woolly hats for innocent too. Rather hands-on than design, made of bits and pieces of stash, my mom would knit each basic hat and I would weave in the ends and take care of extras like pom-poms, flowers, and the like. You know how much I like to make flowers :). At the end of the day, there were 31 hats.
For those of you who would like to join in (please do!!) – deadline is December 1, 2013; please see the (German) innocent homepage for more information (requirements, patterns, ideas) or watch the (English) film.
I need to go to the post office now to mail those hats 🙂