The Crochet Monster: Boo Boo

The whole thing with the monsters started in 2010 when J saw one in a shop window and he really wanted it. It was sewn with its mouth being a zipper. Next to it was a short text explaining that the little creature’s job would be to devour children’s sorrows and worries. J never had had a stuffed animal before, never wanted one, not even as a baby, and his urgent request for that “boo boo doll” took me by surprise. But he would not let go.

I ended up buying some cheap cotton (as I don’t know how to machine-sew) in nasty colours (that was all I could get) and started to crochet. To cut at a long story short  – J couldn’t care less about colours and even before the last thread was fastened the “boo boo” was adopted and taken upstairs … He became a family member: until today J will not go to bed without him, he holds him in his arms all night, drags him along for sleep overs and downstairs for breakfast.

So far, all sorrows have had a happy ending too. J would write them down and place the little paper in Boo Boo’s mouth. Sometimes it would take quiete a few days for him to solve what ever was written on it (like when my dad was in hospital) but he would always manage.

And that’s Boo Boo:

In case you’re interested in the sewn one that we saw in the shop window that day: search the web for “Sorgenfresser”

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Hannah Ackroyd
11 Jahre zuvor

What an adorable idea! I haven’t seen these before but it is so cute!

Very lazy Sunday | Häkelmonster
11 Jahre zuvor

[…] had tea and cake to celebrate Boo Boo’s 3rd birthday. (Boo Boo is the first crochet monster I have ever […]

10 Jahre zuvor

can you send me the instructors?

Sorgenfresser | Mein kreatives Studentenjahr
8 Jahre zuvor

[…] gehäkelten Sorgenfresser von mir. Inspiriert durch diesen kleinen “Ugly Bunny“ und dieses niedliche Monster. Sie sind in eine neue Wohnung gezogen und besuchen einen neuen Kindergarten, da gibt es bestimmt […]

Lou Vessey
8 Jahre zuvor

Hi, i know you say there’s no pattern but this is the perfect little creature for my little one, out of all the crochet ones i can find, i likt this one the best – it there no way of sending tips on how each section was done please, especially the mouth part! Thanks!!