Where’s my Sleigh?

This year’s wrist warmers have Christmas colors – red, green, light grey. And it’s definitely cold enough to wear them … I have packed them all this morning and will go to the post office now to mail them. Lots of snow in Berlin, it actually “feels” Christmas, if only I had a sleigh or a white beard.

wristwarmers häkelmonster.com

But there are others too:

wrist warmer blau grün

And the very warm ones:

wrist warmer grau braun

However, I start thinking about New Year’s resolutions: I really want to learn how to knit Fair Isle. It would be so much nicer not to have loops or snares at the inside of a wrist wamer. Any suggestions (whether it’d be a book or a video) anyone?

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12 Jahre zuvor

I simply love them. I always had cold hands but since I got my beautiful wrist warmers as a present I don’t anymore. I haven’t got the faintest idea how I survived without them!