Bobble Wrap

I have to admit our neighborhood is rather square than trendy but I am working on it!

So last night, I sneaked off to a nearby street sign and wrapped it in bobbles (at least to some extent, that is 50cm / 1’8″).

Is it fate or coincidence that right this morning (when I took the picture) the sky was grey and no longer blue?! As the blue bobbles have a metallic threat that makes them sparkle in the sun I will have to take another picture later today.

street sign yarn bombing

However, the students of the elementary school right next to it will hopefully notice and enjoy. Can’t wait to see them touch it and wonder how it got there 🙂

Here is the promised closeup (not much of a sparkle though):

street sign yarn bombing

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11 Jahre zuvor

Wow, that looks great! I like it! Cheers, Sonja

A Happy Ending? | Häkelmonster
11 Jahre zuvor

[…] of the elementary school students may have liked the Bobble Wrap but others – probably elder students – obviously did not. Someone was successful in […]