Sifu Design Studio & Fine Yarns

Sifu is Chinese for “Master” or “Teacher.” In Mandarin it is pronounced like “sure foo”, whereas in Cantonese it is more like “see foo.” However, no matter how you vocalize it, it is used to express the speaker’s utmost respect with regard to the addressee’s skills and experience.

A Japanese friend (when taught how to knit) called Lisa her Sifu. Understandably, Lisa would feel very honored and when starting her business the Sifu became her mission statement: “You, too, can be a master of your craft.”

When asking where and how to get a copy of Chicago Knits Magazine’s first issue I was told to buy it at Sifu Design Studio & Fine Yarns in Chicago’s Edgewater neighborhood. And this is where I went.

IMG_1160IMG_1163To cut a long story short: it is a store with a soul! Does that make sense? I so wish it would be in my neighborhood!

There is that huge table in the back, where probably ten people of all ages would sit, knit, work on computers, laugh and chat away, while one was trying to refloat a knitting machine (or loom?). The center of the store (if there is a center) is an old counter, surrounded by mostly antique furniture along the walls, such as drawers, suitcases, shelves, boxes and dressers, brimming over with yarn of all colors imaginable. The walls are covered with paintings, thread spools, and other decoration. There are books, magazines, postcards, all sorts of hooks and needles, ribbons, buttons, stitch holders in little drawers, trinkets everywhere.

IMG_1153An amazing store, punishing me for every time I had been (too?) strict with J: “You’re supposed to look with your eyes, not with your hands. Don’t touch it! Put that down!” Well, here I was, in knitting wonderland, wanting to touch everything, as everywhere was something to see, to admire, and – yes – to desire, to long for …

IMG_1154As the world is small, my friend Mamie has known Lisa for quiet a few years and when I told her that I wanted to go to the store, Mamie left a gift certificate for me behind Lisa’s counter. What a treat!

IMG_1155No doubt – M and J needed quite a bit of patience until I was done choosing from all the lovely yarn and stuff that was there … Here is what I (finally) picked: Four skeins of Cascade 220 sport in “Lake Chelan Heather” and the most beautiful handmade little stitch markers in turquoise and orange. Again, thank you so much Mamie – once I have decided what to make out of it I will let you know!IMG_1882

And guess who I met while there: Kim Richardson, the Chicago Knits Magazine‘s “mother.”IMG_1157If you like to know more about Lisa and her Sifu Design Store – she is featured in the magazine. If you get a chance to visit – GO!


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10 Jahre zuvor


10 Jahre zuvor

Reblogged this on NIL Knitting and commented:
A review of a Chicago yarn shop:

10 Jahre zuvor

I’m glad you had such a good time in Chicago. I’d love to visit Sifu some time. We almost always seem to be going to Chicago to see shows and, thus, have no time for shopping. Either that, or we’re out at Oakbrook, which is nowhere near.

The Little Room of Rachell
9 Jahre zuvor

One of my good friends is called Kim Richardson!