No matter how long I knit and hook – new tricks and techniques never fail to amaze me! Here comes today’s enlightenment when looking for a way to invisibly join yarn (and felting was not an option). Of course, there are several videos on the net but – proud as I am – I prefer to post pictures instead:

That’s it! Okay, you knew that all along but I didn’t. And I am so happy with it!
Look at the scarf I am working on: can you tell where one strand ends and the new one starts?
Well, I can’t – that’s for sure. And I was wondering whether you have tricks and techniques that saved you more than once and that you’d be willing to share?
That is brilliant.
I’ve seen this technique on You Tube, but I’ve been afraid to try it. So far, I’ve only been adventurous enough to try the Magic Knot, which I LOVE. Your post has inspired me to maybe consider trying this 🙂
It looks so good, I love it!
And it is so easy! That’s what I love about it.