Bobbly Blanket

Ta-daaah (as Natasja would say) – I have finally finished the Bobbly Blanket. Whoo-hooo!!

It’s very heavy (1 kilo = 2.2 lbs) and very beautiful. Plus, the feel of the bobbles is beyond description. Spontaneously all three of us decided that we’re going to keep all those bobbles. The blanket may stay in the livingroom for good!

Bobbly Blanket Bobbly Blanket Bobbly BlanketI have used „Regia 6-fädig“ sock yarn that my friend Minette gave me for Christmas in 2012, plus sock yarn bits and pieces in various colors. And here’s how I did it:

ch a multiple of 4 sts plus 2.

Row 1: sc1 in 2nd chain from hook and in each stitch of row (= multiple of 4sts plus 1); ch1, turn.

Row 2: sc2, * dc5tog, sc3 *; repeat from * to *, ending the row with sc2; ch1, turn.

Row 3: sc across; ch1, turn.

Row 4: sc4, * dc5tog, sc3 *; repeat from * to *, ending the row with sc4; ch1, turn.

Row 5: sc across; ch1, turn.

Repeat rows 2-5 until desired length. Make sure you have enough yarn. Bobbles are stash busters! If you want to use different colors: change color in odd numbered rows.

Edging: 1 round of sc in main color (3sts in each corner sts), 1 round of hdc in contrasting color (3 sts in each corner sts).


Maschenzahl teilbar durch 4 plus 2

R1: 1 fM in die 2. Lfm und in jede weitere Lfm (= Maschenzahl teilbar durch 4 + 1), 1 Lfm, wenden

R2: 2 fM, * 5 Stb zus. abmaschen, 3 fM *, von * bis * wiederholen, die Reihe mit 2 fM beenden, 1 Wendemasche

R3: fM über die ganze Reihe, 1 WM

R4: 4 fM, * 5 Stb zus. abmaschen, 3 fM *, von * bis * wiederholen, die Reihe mit 4 fM beenden, 1 WM

R5: fM über die ganze Reihe, 1 WM

Die Reihen 2 bis 5 wiederholen, bis die Decke lang genug ist. Farbwechsel immer in ungeraden Reihen.

Umrandung: 1 Reihe fM (3 fM in jede Eckmasche), 1 Reihe hStb in Kontrastfarbe (3 fM in jede Eckmasche)

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11 Jahre zuvor

I LOVE it!!! So cute and it looks really cozy!

11 Jahre zuvor

It looks so lovely. Love the effect. Best wishes, Carina.

11 Jahre zuvor

Ausgezeichnet! Ei schoenes Muster. Danke fuer’s teilen!

11 Jahre zuvor

superschön! nach den ungefähr 20 gerade anstehenden projekten (gefühlt) wird das mein nächstes! 🙂

11 Jahre zuvor

Your bobbly blanket is gorgeous – I love the subtle color stripes mixed in with the grey – I am a new follower to your blog and already I wish to copy two blankets you have made – what an impact you are having on my WTD (want to do) list for crochet!!! Sher from I added you as a friend on Ravelry and am looking forward to your English translation of the CAL blanket.

11 Jahre zuvor

Oh, that looks like such a cozy blanket! Though it seems a bit heavy to me. Then again, I live in a place where it was 90 degrees Farenheit and this is supposed to be our winter. It is probably very lovely in a colder climate. The colors are fantastic!

2014 number 10 – the Bobble Blanket | UK Crochet Patterns
11 Jahre zuvor

[…] from the hook of the Haekelmonster which means “crochet monster” in German, a description that probably covers all of […]

11 Jahre zuvor

Very pretty

11 Jahre zuvor

Wunderschön! Die will ich auch!!!!

10 Jahre zuvor

Wunderschöne Decke!! Habe mich schon beim CAL in die Bobbles verliebt 🙂
Da kommt das hier direkt auf die To-Do-List zum KAL 😉

Aber wie groß ist die Decke geworden? Und viel Regia 6-fädig hast Du gebraucht bzw. wie schwer ist das gute Stück geworden?