Could Have

No crochet today. No knitting but poetry. Usually, I am not drawn to poetry at all but since I read Wislawa Szymborska’s Could Have* the other day, I can’t get it out of my mind.

Sometimes it takes only a split second for a life to change and if days weren’t packed the way they are I would (should?) give this some more thought.

It could have happened.
It had to happen.
It happened earlier. Later.
Nearer. Farther off.
It happened, but not to you.
You were saved because you were the first.
You were saved because you were the last.
Alone. With others.
On the right. The left.
Because it was raining. Because of the shade.
Because the day was sunny.

You were in luck — there was a forest.
You were in luck — there were no trees.
You were in luck — a rake, a hook, a beam, a brake,
A jamb, a turn, a quarter-inch, an instant . . .

So you’re here? Still dizzy from
another dodge, close shave, reprieve?
One hole in the net and you slipped through?
I couldn’t be more shocked or
how your heart pounds inside me.

* taken from „View With a Grain of Sand“ (trans. Stanislaw Baranczak and Clare Cavanagh, New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1996)

A wonderful (willful) weekend to everyone out there.

Kategorien AllgemeinSchlagwörter

Lace Debut

I never thought much about lace scarves. To be honest: I never thought about doing anything lace at all. Until, very early this year, All She Wants To Do Is Knit started blogging about lace, „lazy-ness,“ and her wedding shawl. Trying to decide on a pattern, she suggested several she had found on Ravelry – and that is exactly how lace got me …

So, here I was: admiring the most beautiful shawls ever, with my elder sister in mind who will be turning 50 in May. Consequently, I (finally!) went to the store on Tuesday to get lace yarn. I picked a bright purple in 100% merino wool to make a scarf for my sister! And somehow it feels different than any other project I have started so far: well-thought-out, mature, deliberate – does that make sense?

lace yarn

The very nice gentleman in the store helped me choose a pattern and I could hardly wait to get started last night! It’s an easy one, a „beginner kit“ so to speak. The lace is not too thin (I am knitting with size 3,5 needles = US 4), the pattern repeats itself every four rows, and the rows are not too long either.

I had found the pattern rather by chance and I have to admit it was not love at first sight – until I saw what Avelinux had made out of it. If only bright green would be my sister’s color I would have copied Avelinux‘ version of the shawl without hesitation. Besides, the vendor (who was more of an advisor) convinced me that all those fancy patterns I had in mind, those lovely feathers, flowers, and spider webs, are nothing to start with as a debutant … So I am making the „Little Leaf Lace Scarf“ and I love it. So far, I have knitted an inch …

By the way, did I mention that my sister’s birthday is May 7? 🙂 Hence, not much posting on my side for the next days. I need to KNIT!

little yellow chicken

Dilly Tante inspired me today with those lovely chickens she found at Red Ted Art


But as I can’t sew I spent the afternoon knitting a distant cousin. Here’s how: First, I would knit four traingles


Then, I would knit the legs (i-Cord),; beak and crown are crocheted (Picot).


Next, I would crochet the yellow triangles together, fill the little chicken and finally attach everything red. Little black beads make for the eyes.


yellow chicken

Paske-Strikk / Easter Knits

Hannah started it and as we had talked about the pattern earlier this week I just had to follow … Yes, she challenged me.

So tonight I spent the evening knitting an egg from the book  (Arne & Carlos: „Easter Knits“ or „Paske-Strikk“ respectively) and even a second one, though the latter would last for less than 5 minutes as I unravelled it right when it was done.

I knew it all along (and I have said that before): things that small and delicate are NOT for me. Neither little bunnies nor Easter eggs! Still, here is the egg with J (already in his PJs) holding it .

As always he would take the finished creation to his room. Good night egg.

Easter Egg

2-in-1 Discovery

This morning the beautiful birds designed by Louise Weaver found me. (It would be lying if I said that I found them. All of a sudden they were there. Serendipity?!) Since then, there are still no signs of spring outside but definitly inside my head. Those extravagant birds, so playful and luminous, just brightened my day.

The Jealous Curator makes this a „two-in-one“ discovery. Not only because she enunciates my inner thoughts (Yes, I am jealous when looking at those birds) but because her blog is beautifully done, very well written and presents awesome pieces of art (jealousy again, I guess). Great way to start the day 🙂