little yellow chicken

Dilly Tante inspired me today with those lovely chickens she found at Red Ted Art


But as I can’t sew I spent the afternoon knitting a distant cousin. Here’s how: First, I would knit four traingles


Then, I would knit the legs (i-Cord),; beak and crown are crocheted (Picot).


Next, I would crochet the yellow triangles together, fill the little chicken and finally attach everything red. Little black beads make for the eyes.


yellow chicken

Paske-Strikk / Easter Knits

Hannah started it and as we had talked about the pattern earlier this week I just had to follow … Yes, she challenged me.

So tonight I spent the evening knitting an egg from the book  (Arne & Carlos: „Easter Knits“ or „Paske-Strikk“ respectively) and even a second one, though the latter would last for less than 5 minutes as I unravelled it right when it was done.

I knew it all along (and I have said that before): things that small and delicate are NOT for me. Neither little bunnies nor Easter eggs! Still, here is the egg with J (already in his PJs) holding it .

As always he would take the finished creation to his room. Good night egg.

Easter Egg

2-in-1 Discovery

This morning the beautiful birds designed by Louise Weaver found me. (It would be lying if I said that I found them. All of a sudden they were there. Serendipity?!) Since then, there are still no signs of spring outside but definitly inside my head. Those extravagant birds, so playful and luminous, just brightened my day.

The Jealous Curator makes this a „two-in-one“ discovery. Not only because she enunciates my inner thoughts (Yes, I am jealous when looking at those birds) but because her blog is beautifully done, very well written and presents awesome pieces of art (jealousy again, I guess). Great way to start the day 🙂

Easy Owl

Last night I ran out of yarn – no chance to work on either the ottoman cover or the African Flower blanket. Instead, I spent a long time reading (and admiring) my favorite blogs to finally crochet a little owl from stash just like Jacquie in UK and Janette in NZ. And while choosing colors and following the perfect tutorial (thank you!) I mused how small the world has become with everyone writing blogs and speaking English …

So here’s the German owl:

crochet owl

PS (24hrs. later): … and then there were two …

2 easy owls

You’re Awesome!

Yes, I am talking to you.

Image of You Are Incredible, Ice Cream Colors

You’re multitasking with a zillion things on your mind; you’re heart and soul, commander in chief, and confidant to the ones you love. You’re a driver, a photographer, art director, and a doctor; all at the same time. You have your share in the household income, you take over responsibility, and you work hard most of the time. You are crafty, clever, creative, you blog. And even though you do not have a genetic disposition to do household choirs you do them nonetheless – just like all the other stuff that needs to be done to keep things going.

The way you balance family, work and everything in between is fantastic!

You rock!

Have a great day!



PS Ally M. designed the lovely phrase.