Yes, I am knitting all those loops / cowls / infinity scarves to see what J makes out of it 🙂
This one is made from a beautiful 100% merino yarn and matches the color of his eyes.
A third cowl. Yep. This was a “cowly Christmas” – at least in my house. And guess what! The presentees were perfectly happy.
J is modelling again (in his toy story pyjamas … please ignore that :)). I like to add that the beautiful “90% llama 10% glamour” yarn is pure fun to work with and available at Jessica’s little online store. I used less than two balls for Teresa’s cowl.
Feels like I didn’t blog in weeks (which is probably true). Instead, I have been knitting like crazy to get ready for Christmas. And – despite force of habit – about every other time I would even forget to take pictures before wrapping and making knitted things a present.
Well, here’s a cowl though, that I knitted for Anouk (9). It’s another “Before & After” with J modelling: