A Teddy goes Public

I have quite a few childhood friends, some forever friends, but also business friends and eMail friends. Some are casual friends others are close friends but there is only ONE genuine crochet friend (well, maybe two crochet friends, says J, referring to Hannah, her constant interest and support in my projects and blog … :)).

Anyhow – it was rather by chance that Juliane and I realized we’re both hookers. However, she does not have a blog (yet) and consequently I am in the fortunate position to post the little bear she made the other day. She calls him the UglyTeddy, which is probably a synonym for “Teddy with a lot of character” as he is not ugly at all.

Be it as it may, the UglyTeddy is here to meet the world. Please welcome the UglyTeddy with me (Ta-daaaah – a drum roll, please).

Crochet Teddybear

Monsters unite

Surfing the net, looking for anything crochet or monster or both can easily keep me up way too late. There is some awesome stuff out there! It’s been a while since Noisy Pitta posted her green alien.

It’s a fabulous creature! I have been looking at it more than once and finally last month a distant relative would arise from some left over raspberry red ball of wool.

Raspberry Red Monster

Monsters unite

Surfing the net, looking for anything crochet or monster or both can easily keep me up way too late. There is some awesome stuff out there! It’s been a while since Noisy Pitta (http://noisypitta.blogspot.de/) posted her green alien.

Isn’t that a fabulous creature?! I have been looking at it more than once and finally last month a distant relative would arise from some left over raspberry red ball of wool.

Raspberry Red Monster


One of J‘s class mates seemed to be in need of a boo boo doll so last december Bazillus moved in with him. Ever since he has been going to school with the 2nd (now 3rd) grader, munching worries and attending classes. Maybe I should take another picture – Bazillus obviously has had a tough life between bed, school bag, and public facilities … This is what he looked like when he was young:


One of J‘s class mates seemed to be in need of a boo boo doll so last december Bazillus moved in with him. Ever since he has been going to school with the 2nd (now 3rd) grader, munching worries and attending classes. Maybe I should take another picture – Bazillus obviously has had a tough life between bed, school bag, and public facilities … This is what he looked like when he was young: