No Flower Blanket

I started those little squares in 2010 (yes, 2010 …) and maybe I needed a blog to finally confess this will NEVER be a blanket. NEVER. Each flower square measures an inch …

But what am I going to do with them? Greeting cards? A mini scarf? A border of some sort? Or yet a baby blanket with the flowers spread out randomly? What color and how? I don’t know. What would you do? Suggestions are highly appreciated …

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CrochetConcupiscence (@CrochetBlogger)
12 Jahre zuvor

I’d organize them on canvas, glue them down and hang them as art!

12 Jahre zuvor

I actually really like the art idea, you could easily stick them to a canvas of frame them. They are so lovely. You coud do loads with them , they’d be lovely as part of a headband, or you could make them into brooches simply by stitching brooch pins to the back.

12 Jahre zuvor

It would also make a nice pillow case.

Kathryn Rubidoux
12 Jahre zuvor

Cute little handbag?

12 Jahre zuvor

I love the canvas idea for them, and I totally understand not wanting to make them into a full sized blanket! Such tiny squares would take forever to sew together, much less make enough of them and sew in all the ends! Another idea: you could sew them into cubes and stuff them and use them as Christmas ornaments next year!

12 Jahre zuvor

These are so pretty! They would make a gorgeous scarf.

little poppits
12 Jahre zuvor

I would grab a lovely coat and sew them around the collar. x

12 Jahre zuvor

where did you find the pattern for the squares? as I can imagine a Jacket made out of them!

12 Jahre zuvor
Reply to  Carina

LOVE the comment.. „YET“ would love to have a pattern! would be my new crochet addiction lol

12 Jahre zuvor
Reply to  Carina

It is close 🙂 albeit yours are much prettier! I think it is close enough that with a few stitch changes I can pull it together! thank you so much! – btw.. what part of Germany are you from? Some of my family history is in Germany!

12 Jahre zuvor
Reply to  Carina

AWESOME!! thank you so much! I sure could use some help there as I can’t read German 🙁 is there any way I can email you the information I“m looking for Off of here? please and thank you!

Sommer in Berlin | haekelmonster
4 Jahre zuvor

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