A Blanket for Peter

Three weeks ago, my cousin had another baby: “boy N°3.” His name is Peter and the cousin asked for a blanket for her little son. (Isn’t it always nice to be asked?!)

Of course, I started crocheting at once 🙂

Last night the blanket was done: blue circles on white, 25 squares, joined as I went. Classic granny style, an easy task, lightweight and airy. I just need to block it (blocking is magic!) but couldn’t wait to take (and share) a picture.

baby blanket granny squares haekelmonster.comAs soon as the blanket is blocked and dry, we’ll be ready to meet the young man!

This is the baby blanket I made for “boy N°1” – Peter’s eldest brother. Supposedly, he still uses it when napping.

baby blanket sock yarn haekelmonster.comNow that I come to think of it – I never made a blanket for the second little boy. Neither knitted, nor crochet. Well, … maybe I should get back to my needles …

Postscript: The blanked is blocked and ready to travel.

baby blanket granny squares haekelmonster.com

Flower Power II

When I was 14 my (then) best friend would move to Hamburg with her parents. I was devastated and begged my parents to do something, to keep them from leaving. Of course, there was nothing they could do about it, but wonderful as they are, they suggested we’d host a farewell party for my friend, which is what we did. And it was good – a day to remember.

Not much later – when I was 18 – I was the one to leave, as I went to Paris as an au pair. My friends would take me to the main station (yes, back then one would take the train to go to Paris) to see me off. I remember it as awkward when the train finally took off and they all stayed behind.

The feelings I had back then stayed with me. Whenever I would relocate it would be bittersweet, anywhere between excitement and tears, anticipation and drama. So when reading Dilly’s post about her “lovely friend and partner in crime” (I love that!) returning to her native land, how sad she was to see Georgia go and her intentions of doing a yarn bomb for her I couldn’t but sympathize. Even more so, when I read she was in need of crochet flowers. I love crochet flowers.

There were two nights left, enough stash at hand and even some “flower experiment” remains laying around that I could use. Hence, I would crochet, pack 99 flowers (and a pom-pom that J had made) in a box and send it to the UK.


“Thanks for getting involved!” Dilly wrote (to a total stranger and clearly not knowing what to expect), “No idea of posting times but if they don’t get here by Weds I promise to add them to the yarn bomb anyway :)”. Well, the mailman obviously ran all the way and the box made it by Tuesday: “I received your package today. (…) We are still planning to hit our target tomorrow. I will try and post pictures as soon as I can.”

Pictures were online this morning (here are some more) and seriously made my day. Thank you Dilly! And to all others: we should do stuff like that more often. It doesn’only look good but feel good. So if anyone is planning on doing a crochet flower yarn bomb …

Hookers unite 🙂

crochet flowers

Flower Power

Warmth or cold, sun or storm – this year, summer is on and off in Berlin. However, the garden appears to like it. Everything seems to be growing overnight and whenever I have time, I am outside to weed and water. The minute I turn though, those mean little greens seem to be breaking through the soil anew.

yellow flowers front yard

J caught the garden bug from me and keeps “planting” little pips and grains between damp cotton pads waiting for them to sprout. This one – placed in the lid of some spray can – immediately did what was expected. It will become a tree, says J. In the meantime, the “tree to be” has been repotted into a flowerpot and we’re counting days until we can sit in its shade.


With gardening and such, there was never enough time to knit or crochet lately (not to mention blogging …). Anyway, little crochet flowers are easy and fast to make 🙂  and I managed to make quite a few last week. They’re on their way to the UK now and I sure hope Dilly Tante will get them in time!

simple crochet flowers

Crochet Bags

Surfing the net, I realized a few days ago that there are some very nice crochet bags out there: very colorful, very fashionable, very useful! And all of a sudden I knew that those little squares (Edie Eckman motiv #88) I have made, were not to become a blanket as intended.

Instead, M and I spent hours trying to arrange some of them according to Inga’s pattern in such a way that same colors do not adjoin … Well, if you look at the final outcome we did not succeed. Yes, it bugs me. No, I won’t undo it. There are enough little squares left to start over and make a second bag 🙂

Crochet Bag

Recently, Juliane too has discovered crochet bags. Here is the bag she made for a little girl. I really like her choice of colors! Pretty in pink 🙂

Crochet Bag Juliane


April weather is here: beautiful on Sunday, sunburned faces everywhere on Monday, downpour this morning.

Birds’ twitter, short-sleeved t-shirts, cagoule within reach, ice cream, gardening, daylight when we get up, daylight when J goes to bed, open back door, bulgur salad for dinner – the whole nine yards 🙂 Even work is more fun.

I love this time of the year!

flower blanket
baby blanket in spring colors