Flower Power II

When I was 14 my (then) best friend would move to Hamburg with her parents. I was devastated and begged my parents to do something, to keep them from leaving. Of course, there was nothing they could do about it, but wonderful as they are, they suggested we’d host a farewell party for my friend, which is what we did. And it was good – a day to remember.

Not much later – when I was 18 – I was the one to leave, as I went to Paris as an au pair. My friends would take me to the main station (yes, back then one would take the train to go to Paris) to see me off. I remember it as awkward when the train finally took off and they all stayed behind.

The feelings I had back then stayed with me. Whenever I would relocate it would be bittersweet, anywhere between excitement and tears, anticipation and drama. So when reading Dilly’s post about her “lovely friend and partner in crime” (I love that!) returning to her native land, how sad she was to see Georgia go and her intentions of doing a yarn bomb for her I couldn’t but sympathize. Even more so, when I read she was in need of crochet flowers. I love crochet flowers.

There were two nights left, enough stash at hand and even some “flower experiment” remains laying around that I could use. Hence, I would crochet, pack 99 flowers (and a pom-pom that J had made) in a box and send it to the UK.


“Thanks for getting involved!” Dilly wrote (to a total stranger and clearly not knowing what to expect), “No idea of posting times but if they don’t get here by Weds I promise to add them to the yarn bomb anyway :)”. Well, the mailman obviously ran all the way and the box made it by Tuesday: “I received your package today. (…) We are still planning to hit our target tomorrow. I will try and post pictures as soon as I can.”

Pictures were online this morning (here are some more) and seriously made my day. Thank you Dilly! And to all others: we should do stuff like that more often. It doesn’only look good but feel good. So if anyone is planning on doing a crochet flower yarn bomb …

Hookers unite 🙂

crochet flowers

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11 Jahre zuvor

that WAS really nice!

11 Jahre zuvor

Reblogged this on Amanda's Words / starfire8me and commented:

11 Jahre zuvor

Thank you so much for all the flowers you sent. You might be interested to know the yarn bomb made it into our local newspaper

Seven days, seven links | Knitted Art
11 Jahre zuvor

[…] A nice story involving crochet flower. […]

11 Jahre zuvor

Hello! I’ve finally got round to doing a proper write up http://wp.me/p1GaOh-zG. Thanks so much for your contribution, we must do this again soon 🙂

Flower to the people | Dilly Tante
11 Jahre zuvor

[…] not my strong point – can I put it down to denial at Georgia leaving?). I got reply from Haekelmonster in Germany promising me some flowers but concerned they wouldn’t get here in time. I promised […]