A Blanket for Peter

Three weeks ago, my cousin had another baby: “boy N°3.” His name is Peter and the cousin asked for a blanket for her little son. (Isn’t it always nice to be asked?!)

Of course, I started crocheting at once 🙂

Last night the blanket was done: blue circles on white, 25 squares, joined as I went. Classic granny style, an easy task, lightweight and airy. I just need to block it (blocking is magic!) but couldn’t wait to take (and share) a picture.

baby blanket granny squares haekelmonster.comAs soon as the blanket is blocked and dry, we’ll be ready to meet the young man!

This is the baby blanket I made for “boy N°1” – Peter’s eldest brother. Supposedly, he still uses it when napping.

baby blanket sock yarn haekelmonster.comNow that I come to think of it – I never made a blanket for the second little boy. Neither knitted, nor crochet. Well, … maybe I should get back to my needles …

Postscript: The blanked is blocked and ready to travel.

baby blanket granny squares haekelmonster.com

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Nadine Roberts
10 Jahre zuvor

Definitely make one for the second one. They all deserve their own blanket. Every time they see them they will think of you.Have you seen this pattern? http://www.freewebs.com/bethintx/dropinthepondlaprobe.htm I have made it several times as a gift. It is an easy variation of the ripple and people loved it.

10 Jahre zuvor

That looks like a nice quick crochet, although what do I know? I need to learn how someday.

10 Jahre zuvor
Reply to  Carina

Hah. Deal.

Peter and his blanket | Häkelmonster
10 Jahre zuvor

[…] I made a blanket for Peter? Finally last week we met and I must say: he is adorable. I don’t think I have ever seen such […]