Flower Blanket

The weather is bad, it’s cold, rainy, NASTY outside and I feel the urge to repost the flower blanket. Here it is, together with J:


Recently, I started working on a “summer version” (pure cotton) but the store ran out of red and pink … Not sure what to do next. Maybe I’ll arrange the squares randomly without any red or pink at all. I might as well wait for next summer hoping that both colors will be available again. Or I surf the net (why didn’t I think of that before?!) and find it online. It’s definitely a 2013 project …


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little poppits
11 Jahre zuvor

that flower blanket is simply stunning. x

11 Jahre zuvor

Seeing the blanket with all it’s colors made my day! Thanks!

11 Jahre zuvor

The blanket sure looks warm and cozy! Love all the bright colours! So fun! 🙂

11 Jahre zuvor

The flower blanket is wonderful, so cheerful.

11 Jahre zuvor

Beautiful Blanket. I too find crochet flowers addictive to make. I have made a bag full of 5 petal flowers. Any idea how to connect them to make a blanket?

alicia light
11 Jahre zuvor


Crochet Bags | Häkelmonster
11 Jahre zuvor

[…] there: very colorful, very fashionable, very useful! And all of a sudden I knew that those little squares (Edie Eckman motiv #88) I have made, were not to become a blanket as […]