Crochet Bags

Surfing the net, I realized a few days ago that there are some very nice crochet bags out there: very colorful, very fashionable, very useful! And all of a sudden I knew that those little squares (Edie Eckman motiv #88) I have made, were not to become a blanket as intended.

Instead, M and I spent hours trying to arrange some of them according to Inga’s pattern in such a way that same colors do not adjoin … Well, if you look at the final outcome we did not succeed. Yes, it bugs me. No, I won’t undo it. There are enough little squares left to start over and make a second bag 🙂

Crochet Bag

Recently, Juliane too has discovered crochet bags. Here is the bag she made for a little girl. I really like her choice of colors! Pretty in pink 🙂

Crochet Bag Juliane

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Bright Tuesday
11 Jahre zuvor

These bags look wonderful! You are inspiring me to pick up my hook. I especially like the brightly colored one with the granny squares. Great work.

11 Jahre zuvor

Funny that, I started (and posted) my own crotchet bag yesterday!

11 Jahre zuvor

I love Inga’s pattern! I have thought about how to put together the bag with different colored squares! But my head started to spin….so I have only tried it in one color! I love yours! I like the “Flowers” in your squares and the happy colors.

9 Jahre zuvor

Hi. I had made a bag using your design and it’s turned out lovely. Thank you for sharing it. Your work is amazing xx