African Flowers

When starting this project in January, I would crochet 5 flowers the day and the boy would arrange them on our living room table. The idea was to make a blanket from stash (of the same brand) but within a short time I ran out of white. As a matter of fact – the store is not around the corner, life keeps me busy, other projects were tempting – I still haven’t bought adequate supply … However, we needed the living room table and fortunately the boy agreed to remove the flowers if I would take a picture of his composition. (Supposedly, there is a system to it. I don’t see it though). Here is the picture:

Now, all the flowers are nicely piled in a shoebox (probably forever) and my only excuse is that even if I bought a skein of white I still don’t know which color to use to join them. Green? Brown?

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12 Jahre zuvor

Green!!! No question about it and don’t forget them in their box!!!

12 Jahre zuvor

Green 🙂 And I think I see the system: no 2 flowers of the same colour should be touching each other, but still, the whole composition should seem somewhat random and natural. I think… 🙂

Beatrice Ryan Designs
12 Jahre zuvor

Green would be stunning…Dont wait forever,,, we want to see the finished blanket!

Wolle und Kinder |
10 Jahre zuvor

[…] Das gehört unmittelbar zu Punkt 7. Mein Sohn ist mein bester Kritiker. Klar mag ich nicht immer, was er sagt (“Die Mütze sieht blöd aus” oder “Fehlt da nicht was?” oder “Ih, das kratzt aber”), aber meistens hat er Recht. Und irgendwann später kommt dann so was wie “Ist das die Decke, die wir zusammen gemacht haben?” Ja, ist es. Du und ich. (Der Blogpost zur Decke ist hier). […]

9 Jahre zuvor

what happened with the flowers? Still in a box? Too lovely to stay there!

7 Jahre zuvor

I just stumbled over this post. The colors are stunning!!!
I’d use white for joining. I think it would give the blanket a certain amount of lightness and the green would pop in a good way 🙂