Very lazy Sunday

(Again) I ran out of yarn. Though three skeins are on their way they didn’t get here yet. And I would so much love to work on the sock yarn blanket I started crocheting the other day. It’s inspired by Tamara’s “Blackberry Salad Striped Baby Blanket” (I changed the pattern slightly though by crocheting sc rather than dc) but less colorful.

This is how far it got last week; even the back is nice
This is how far I got last night (length: 55cm/21in; width: 90cm/35in)

However, how do you spend a Sunday when running out of yarn?! Here’s what I did:

I read and admired every single article Natasja over at crochetime posted and tagged with Ta-daah! to realize I am still a crochet debutante …

After learning that there have been tornados again in the US, I surfed the net, trying to find out about Hannah’s hometown and whether they were hit again. (Looks like they were not).

I ironed 22 shirts. 20 for the man, one for me, and one for the boy (feel like wonder woman now 🙂 )

We had tea and cake to celebrate Boo Boo’s 3rd birthday. (Boo Boo is the first crochet monster I have ever made).

Later today, we’ll be watching the German Basketball Playoffs on TV.

All through the day it has been pouring rain. (No complaints here – I much rather have rain than a tornado). The boy is bored, still in his PJs, grumbling that time goes too slow. The man should know today’s newspaper by heart after hiding behind it for hours. In short: a very lazy Sunday.

What have you been up to?

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11 Jahre zuvor

I absolutely adore your bobbly blanket! And I agree, even the back is nice. Those bobble stitches eat yarn, so no wonder you ran out. I love that you celebrate the birthday of Boo Boo! Thanks for reading all my ta-daah posts. I started to crochet in 2009 so I’ve been doing it for a while, and I don’t have any children so I think I probably have a lot more time on my hands than you, so that’s why it probably looks like (note, it only LOOK ) I’m further along the crochet route than you. You do pretty… Weiterlesen »

Bobbly Blanket | Häkelmonster
10 Jahre zuvor

[…] (as Natasja would say) – I have finally finished the Bobbly Blanket. Whoo-hooo!! It’s very heavy (1 kilo = 2.2 lbs) and very beautiful. Plus, the feel of the […]