The publisher (Edition Fischer) was nice enough to send me a (German) copy of Kat Goldin’s Crochet at Play. A book packed with ingenious and lovely – still practical – garments as well as cheerful… Mehr
Suchergebnisse für: Crochet at Play
Crocheting in the Wake of the World Cup
Just like every other kid, J wanted to watch ALL the games and of course I would not let him (too many, too late). However, he got to watch quite a few and soccer would… Mehr
New Zealand rocks (pun intended)
It must have been 2013, when The Green Dragonfly and I started following each other. (WordPress might know the exact date, but I am too lazy to look it up). Every now and then, Janette… Mehr
Letzten Monat habe ich zum ersten Mal bei Marisas Auf den Nadeln mitgemacht und ich muss zugeben, dass es tatsächlich ein Unterschied ist, ob ich für mich alleine beschließe was ich vielleicht in nächster Zeit… Mehr
World Wide Knit in Public Day
Usually, I have no problem (anymore) to knit or crochet in public. Actually, I love to keep my hands busy in cafes or when using public transportation. So when M suggested we’d go to Hoppegarten… Mehr