The Sky Scarf

Thank you Knitted Art for introducing us to conceptual knitting and a very cool project! Here is what it is, copied from Lea Redmond’s homepage

„A Sky Scarf documents the weather outside your window. Each day – rain or shine – you will knit a stripe in colors that match the sky. It will be lovely to see how our different climates result in different scarves! I started mine in the springtime in Northern California and loved watching the colors evolve as the seasons changed. (…) The free pattern includes detailed instructions to make a five-foot Sky Scarf over the course of one year.“

If you need more inspiration, there’s a knitters‘ pool on flickr showing all different scarfs, wraps, and blankets and I am very tempted to to a „Berlin Sky Wrap“ starting January 1, 2014. It may have plenty of grey though for the first 90 rows …

However, if I had already started it, today’s colors would be blue. Blue as blue can be. Not a single bit of white.

Leafcutter Designs has quite a few other (free creative art) projects that really inspire me to light that „sense of whimsy and adventure“ within me 🙂 Maybe I’ll do the Mood Scarf (see picture below) and the Sky Scarf.

Do Knit Disturb

To all my knitting friends out there –

Anyone going to Brighton sometime soon? If ever you are: the rooms at the Pelirocco hotel (very weird rooms, I must admit :)) don’t go by numbers but by names.

The pictures below show the room Do Knit Disturb and if only Brighton was closer to Berlin I’d go for a weekend to visit!

Do Knit Disturb


Do Knit Disturb

Leftover Bits of Yarn? No more!

Do you ever wonder what to do with leftover yarn?

Confessions of a Yarn-A-Holic posted a wonderful link today: 34 Adorable Things to do with leftover bits of yarn, composed and arranged by Buzz Feed. (Thank you for posting this!!) Below are my favorites: pom poms as bookmarks and a clock sweater.

Maybe I should post pictures of the yarn stamps, the bows and the ahern too.

Maybe you should have a look at the article yourself. Eventually, you’ll like it just as much as I do!

Pom-poms make bookmarks you won't want to stop playing with.

Give a clock a much-needed sweater.

A Teddy goes Public

I have quite a few childhood friends, some forever friends, but also business friends and eMail friends. Some are casual friends others are close friends but there is only ONE genuine crochet friend (well, maybe two crochet friends, says J, referring to Hannah, her constant interest and support in my projects and blog … :)).

Anyhow – it was rather by chance that Juliane and I realized we’re both hookers. However, she does not have a blog (yet) and consequently I am in the fortunate position to post the little bear she made the other day. She calls him the UglyTeddy, which is probably a synonym for „Teddy with a lot of character“ as he is not ugly at all.

Be it as it may, the UglyTeddy is here to meet the world. Please welcome the UglyTeddy with me (Ta-daaaah – a drum roll, please).

Crochet Teddybear