No more Knitting Water

I am done with knitting water. No more! Over and out!

However, here are pictures of the dark blue water for you to see. As always, J is modelling for me and – again – he prefers to be a bird rather than a fish (or any other animal living under water).

He would flap and flitter and turn and twist (there is some Usain Bolt in it – can you see it?) for a while …

knitting water wrap knitting water wrap knitting water wrap knitting water wrap knitting water wrap knitting water wrap… until I told him to stop.

knitting water wrap haekelmonster.comNow we’re off to hand all water – the blanket and the wrap – over to the artist.

Under Water

J under (knitted) water. I have finished the blanket – yay!

knitting water haekelmonster.comAt the end, there was not enough yarn left to knit the last corner … Hence, I decided on a “cuddle corner” made of a fluffy yarn in matching colors that my lovely neighbour gave me.

Now, I like to imagine the blanket’s future owner (once the art project is done) to choose it not despite but because of that soft and somewhat “hairy” corner.knitting water haekelmonster.comWho knows? After all, it is a kid size blanket …

Same old, same old

Still working on water, occasionally knitting squids or making jam when tired of crafting. Amy is busy bringing the huge red octopus into being. Same old, same old …

J has been gone for a week now (he is in France) and will be gone for another (hear the mother hen cackle? …). Ideally, I would use those weeks to do all the stuff I never do when he’s around. Well, ideally …

knitting water Gropiusstadt Apfelgelee knitted squid Gropiusstadt octopus Gropiusstadt