African Flowers

When starting this project in January, I would crochet 5 flowers the day and the boy would arrange them on our living room table. The idea was to make a blanket from stash (of the same brand) but within a short time I ran out of white. As a matter of fact – the store is not around the corner, life keeps me busy, other projects were tempting – I still haven’t bought adequate supply … However, we needed the living room table and fortunately the boy agreed to remove the flowers if I would take a picture of his composition. (Supposedly, there is a system to it. I don’t see it though). Here is the picture:

Now, all the flowers are nicely piled in a shoebox (probably forever) and my only excuse is that even if I bought a skein of white I still don’t know which color to use to join them. Green? Brown?

Flower Blanket

The weather is bad, it’s cold, rainy, NASTY outside and I feel the urge to repost the flower blanket. Here it is, together with J:


Recently, I started working on a “summer version” (pure cotton) but the store ran out of red and pink … Not sure what to do next. Maybe I’ll arrange the squares randomly without any red or pink at all. I might as well wait for next summer hoping that both colors will be available again. Or I surf the net (why didn’t I think of that before?!) and find it online. It’s definitely a 2013 project …


No Flower Blanket

I started those little squares in 2010 (yes, 2010 …) and maybe I needed a blog to finally confess this will NEVER be a blanket. NEVER. Each flower square measures an inch …

But what am I going to do with them? Greeting cards? A mini scarf? A border of some sort? Or yet a baby blanket with the flowers spread out randomly? What color and how? I don’t know. What would you do? Suggestions are highly appreciated …

Winter Flowers

The Green Dragonfly inspired me with yesterday’s post. The pictures of her garden are outstanding (especially the one with the little dragonflies admiring the butterfly!). So this morning I went out to take a picture of the flowers in front of our house. Not quite the same,  I guess 🙂

Flowers Gaslaterne

If you like to compare – here is what it looked like in summer (we only moved in June, no “real” garden planted yet):

Gaslaterne summer

Winter Flowers

The Green Dragonfly inspired me with yesterday’s post. The pictures of her garden are outstanding (especially the one with the little dragonflies admiring the butterfly!). So this morning I went out to take a picture of the flowers in front of our house. Not quite the same,  I guess 🙂

Flowers Gaslaterne

If you like to compare – here is what it looked like in summer (we only moved in June, no “real” garden planted yet):

Gaslaterne summer