It’s been a while since Hannah over at NYAC suggested that we all do a blanket CAL together and I cannot believe we’re already accomplishing „week 6“ in a few days. Hannah’s instructions and pictures are very nice and easy to follow and on Saturdays I seriously feel like doing homework when crocheting row after row according to her guidelines. So far, there has been no stitch or sequence that I did not like and of course I check Facebook the minute I am done to peek at all the others blankets that are just like mine and still so very different.
However, I am having (and have had) a hard time with some of the stitches due to the sock yarn I chose (and the fact that I am a perfectionist maybe … :)). Stitches like the Catherine Wheel or the Mirrored Chevron just don’t look right (to me) with a flimsy fiber. Consequently, I had to modify patterns to meet the yarn’s characteristics or – worse! – change them altogether. I endlessly grappled with the bobbles for example, as the second color would always shine through the stitches. At the end (exasperated …), I would crochet the row of bobbles in only one color as a compromise.
Yes, I have to admit: spending the weekend on 6 rows would occasionally take some of the fun. So finally, the day before last, I left work early to make it to the store in time (with regard to opening hours Germany is clearly not the U.S.) to buy acrylic yarn (probably similar to the brand Hannah is working with) and to start over. And it is with pride that I announce today that both blankets are „up-to-date“ since last night!
But which one is nicer? I wish I knew! Here are the basics:
- Crocheting the acrylic yarn is not only faster in speed but also faster in seeing a result. So far the acrylic blanket-to-be measures 16″ (41 cm) whereas the other one has only 10,5″ (27 cm). That is clearly an advantage.
- Still, it is a lot lighter. Acrylic does not seem to have any weight at all. Now that I am able to compare, I totally prefer the weight of the sock yarn blanket-to-be. It seems to rather embrace the body – does that make sense?
- Plus, the feel is different. Acrylic may be softer but sock yarn is thicker to the touch. I really like that too.
- However, with acrylic yarn the stitches have more defined contours, they stand out and I love that. Looking at the Star Stitch (my favorite stitch so far) makes me smile.
- Moreover, it’s easier to work over a second yarn (as for the bobbles) and even the Mirrored Chevron worked out straightaway with all stitches being even and nice.
In short: I have no favorite, I like them both, but I would probably prefer to snuggle with the sock yarn blanket. So I asked the expert at home and – guess what – J too decided in favor of the sock yarn blanket.
Of course, I will finish both of them. The first one because it is so much fun to make it (acrylic yarn) and the second because it will be rewarding to finish my „master piece“ (sock yarn) 🙂
What was your choice of yarn and why? Are you happy with the result (color, texture, feel …)? I am seriously impressed by all the different variations of Hannah’s blanket that I have seen so far! What would you do differently if you would start anew? Or wouldn’t you change anything at all? I am very curious to get to know the story behind your blanket!
Happy Crochet on Saturday 🙂